Friday, July 13, 2007

iPhone Saves The Day and Morrible Dates

I'm sure you're sick of hearing about the iPhone. And I was already in love with it ever since I've had it in my hands. But this week, it proved its $599 price tag and then some. Here's the scenario....

We were in route from Columbus to East Lansing, a short 3 1/2 (or so) drive, so the company bused us instead of our usual flying. What a perfect time to utilize my iPhone...all of it. I was literally usuing every function on the iPhone all at once. 1) I was listening to my ipod function 2) I was paying my bills on line 3) taking phone calls when they came in (which, by the way, the ipod fades in volumne when you pick up the call and then goes up to full volume and starts where the song left off when you finish your call...way cool) 4) sending text messages to freind, 5) in general, having a grand old time until suddenly I realized the bus was jumping around a lot. When I looked up, I realized we were on a country one-way dirt road in this huge tour bus in the middle of farms and other words...the middle of NO WHERE!

"Where are we?" I questioned.

"Well, the GPS says this is the shortest route," says the bus driver.

"To where? China?" I said. (Okay, so I didn't really SAY that, but I thought it as I gave a questioning glance to the company manager.

So I whipped out...guess iPhone.

"Wow, you have an iPhone already?!" said my company manager. Clearly, he had not been paying attention for the past two weeks when i was touting it to everyone in the company LOL

Anyway...I went to the map function to punch in a street name (which of course there were none since we were literally in the middle of no where!) But finally a tiny little street call Arkon had a sign. No joke, I typed it into the maps and it found where we were and it gave us explicit directions to get back to the highway. When I showed our Company Manager he was thrilled and told the bus driver, who insisted that her GPS was showing a different route and that it was probably better to stay on her route, at which time the company manager stepped in and said, "no, hers take us right where we're going."

So sure enough, the iPhone saved the day. We got to our destination (after an almost 6 hour bus ride) and not once did I lose battery power or a wireless signal. Crazy! The iPhone and ATT were life savers.

NEXT: I've finally going on as Madame Morrible. I'll be performing the role for both shows on Saturday, August 4 in Philadelphia! Hope you can make it.

ALSO: Just FYI, I'll be on vacation Sept 3-10, so you'll miss me in the show if you come during that week.

We'll chat soon ; )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do wish I could fly up to see you as Madame Morrible. No doubt it will be brilliant.