First, I must apologize for the long delay in entries. I didn't every realize it had been this long and now that Zoey (my puppy) has become a part of my life, time is hard to come by. We have already had such wonderful adventures together! In fact, little did you know that my code name is actually MacGyver! Yep, I had to play MacGyver the other day when Zoey and I got locked up the roofdeck of the building I'm living in in Boston. Long story short....I was able to hail someone from the building next door, magically I found a roll of duct tape, tied the keys to the tape and lowered it down into his window. When he rescued us it felt like I was getting out of prison!!! LOL Anyway, Zoey and I are fine and she decided to chill a bit in the refrigerator.
On Tuesday of this week, I got to go on as Morrible again! That was a hoot and a surprise! Hopefully next time I will know ahead of time again so I can let you all know.
Also took my vacation to Hawaii....alas the photos
And Boston rocks!
All good out here on tour