Ahhhhh sweet success! I am now the proud owner of the new IPhone. I got it on the first day, waiting in line with all the other iphone fanatics and it was a blast! Thursday night after the show I drove to the Mac store to see if people were waiting outside overnight. Luckily, the store was not allowing it so I didn't have to do that. The next morning at got there at 10 a.m. and there were already 45 people waiting. They had been there since 6 a.m. (and this is in Columbus, OH!) At 12:30 my friend came and replaced me in line while I rushed back to rehearsal. When I returned, there was only an hour wait left and the guys on either side of me and my friend hit it off so well, they let my friend Eric stay in the line and get his own iphone too. These are my iphone friends: David, Eric and Paul! Woo hoo! At 6 p.m. Eric's girlfriend called and said that she had just seen the two of us on the news. Yippee...we're famous! I owned an iphone by 6:15 p.m. Friday night, then rushed back just in time to do the show. I left my phone at home so I could do the unveiling when I returned back in the quiet of my hotel room.
But alas....the road was not a smooth one. Despite all the prepping I did, it appeared I indeed did NOT have the right operating system for the iphone (for those of you mac enthusiasts, you MUST have 10.4.10 for the iphone to run.) The phone activates directly through itunes. So without the right operating system, no iphone. So I had to be patient overnight which was okay since I had played poker until 3:30 a.m. the night before (won $85) so sleeping was welcome. I rushed to the mac store the next morning to get the upgrade and as they were loading it, they found a glitch in my computer (all of this, mind you, before the iphone was ever plugged into my computer). It took several hours for the them to fix my computer, so I had to get back to the matinee. I was BUMMED to say the least. My friends from iphone line were already texting me on their new iphone and I had SQUAT
But alas, 5:30 p.m. came and I dashed back to the mac store between shows. They set me up, fixed my computer and helped me activate my iphone and then, low and behold...angels sang!!!
This is the coolest, most technolgically advanced machine I've ever seen. It is worth the hype and beyond. They have thought of everything. It works perfectly. My email (all of my accounts) loaded with complete ease. The interenet and WiFi is fast and wonderful and the clarity of photos is incredible.
I say, rush right out and get one. you'll love it. And of course there are plenty left to by. I didn't NEED to be there at 10 a.m. and wait in line for all those hours....but I'm sure glad I did. It was fun to be a part of something amazing. You can even view this blog on your iphone.
Thanks for doing the happy dance for me
Woo hoo
Aw YAY! I will do the happy dance. That is awesome. I am thrilled that you got your phone! Heck yes. I got a new phone... it isn't an iPhone... so definately not as cool! I tell people that mine slides...it makes me look cool until I drop it in the process of answering it like a cool person would... hm. Enjoy it! I loved watching the commercials about it.
Hey, this is Tinny from WitchesofOZ-
I am SO sorry you had to go through all of that, but I'm glad you've got everything set up and you got what you wanted.
I'm seeing you guys tomorrow night and I'm beyond excited, I know you're going to be the greatest!
And I think I'm stage dooring the day after for the matinee so hopefully I'll be able to get a picture and an autograph!
Hey, it's Tinny again.
Tonight was the best I've ever seen, and I've seen it twice before.
You were amazing, so was everyone.
Tell Christeena (I think that's who was playing Dorothy...) I saw her!!
Wow! I thought I was the tech geek. You win, hands down!
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